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​2022 media:

Race Pictures:

McColgan Photography:


Brenda Orr:


Melanie Wiley:

2021: 40 Faces of 40 Years

2019 Pictures can be found here:

2018-2014 photos are on our Facebook Page: 
Click here to check them out!
Articles from the Omaha World Herald:

2016: Run Off that Pumpkin Pie

2015: Run off Thanksgiving dinner before you eat

2014: Thanksgiving trail race raises 2,376 pounds of food, $21,219 for Food Bank

2013: Trail run expected to provide Omaha food bank with 24,000 meals
2013 - "10 Great Trail Races to Run this Fall"

KETV Coverage:

Have a race report or some pictures you'd like to share? Email us here

2012 photos on Flickr from Troy

2012 video from Jody G.

What others are saying (collected from around the webs):


"I ran... very was cold...I had a blast!! Awesome race!!!!"
--Janet S.


"Hands down one of the coldest races I've ever run. Outstanding course though, I shall return this year!
--Grant R.


"Very cold, fell down towards the end but good friend helped me up and lots of "you okay?" Kept me going!"
--Angie B.T.


"My 2nd 10k ever began by turning my ignition and the resulting loud exhaust noise alerted me to the fact someone stole my catalytic converter. After muttering a few non-pastoral words, I headed out to Lake Cunningham. It was a might brisk that day, about 12 degrees with wind chill. 

As I walked to the boat dock and starting area, I was amazed at the pile of food at the back of the Food Bank trailer. I happily added my canned goods to the cause.

The run was challenging for me even though I had been running it in preparation. I had trouble finding my stride the 1st mile; part temperature and part road runners not knowing how to dodge horse manure. Once I found a clear spot to plod relentlessly forward; it was awesome. Enthusiastic volunteers to cheer me on in spite of the cold. I thought seriously about dropping at the 5K mark. Then I saw one of the RDs who I met a few weeks earlier and he said "you got this".

The second lap was serene. No one around me and with the little bit of snow on the course one spot was just like the trail I ran in South Jersey. I felt home for the holidays.

Looking forward to running again in 2014 and seriously thinking of doing the 13.1 miles of fun since I won't have to work this year.

--Kim C. M.


"Great race this morning! It was pretty chilly to start, so of course I was overdressed. I was peeling off layers before mile 2. I should know better, but it was soooo WINDY and cold. The 10K was fun, and running the 5K loop twice was not as bad as I thought it would be. If we do this race next year, we will do the half for sure. It was nice seeing Kaci's mom and FINALLY meeting Linny today. We even hung around until we saw Peg flying in from the half. Cheered her on from the car (it was still pretty cold at 10:00!) and then headed home. Looking forward to Thanksgiving with a whole heap of good friends."
--Karen B. 


"Ran w/ GoldE the whole way. Garmin died before the race even started. Good to finally meet Linny! How can 22° feel colder than 12° (-1°wc) the week before?"


"Could not have had more fun this morning if I had tried! This race is AWESOME! It is similar to GOATZ in parts and totally different in others, which made it fun exploring sections of Cunningham I had not yet run. My last few races have been about pacing or having fun with a great crowd. Today I decided to see if I could still "race". I am really happy with my time. Maybe could have been a wee bit faster, but I just can't help gabbing it up with the people around me. Can't beat running fast AND still having fun. YAY!

Hope the NDORFRIENDZ had a fabulous Turkey Run. Sounds like it was a good group, though I'm sad to hear the Wild Turkey didn't show. Maybe Christmas Eve?

Now the stuffing is in the crockpot and Jim's getting ready to put the Cuban Turkey in the oven. Annie's watching her Packers get smoked (boo) and I am going to start decorating the tree. Love this day.

--Peg P. 


"First trail race in the books. Really had a great time. Even the tundra-like conditions didn't dampen my enjoyment of the event. Yes, my hamstring was protesting, but I made the most of it. Learned a lot about trail running. I felt like we were at a wedding doing the train for the first couple of miles. Frustrating when I wanted to go faster. Then, Molly took off and irritated me a smidge. But, the second loop I found my rhythm. I even took quite a Peg-like spill!! Torn pants, skinned knee and all! That's when I knew I was a trail runner!! Was smiling, big time. :)

Not exactly sure of my time. Something around above. My Garmin said 6.5 miles, but it was acting a little wonkish. Must have been frozen. Not great by any means. But, I'm enjoying running more by not worrying about my times. :) I'm a work in progress.

Molly loved the 5k. She especially loved beating me. I told her I was pacing myself. We're only a little competitive. Loved seeing Goldie and 2ndlife. So sad I missed Peg. She came to play today!! Nice race, Peg. Thx to the Adama and the Goatz. You will be greatly missed Adama.

Happy Thanksgiving to all ndorfrienz and your families. Kinda a tough one, but it's all good. I'm so thankful for my girls, my family and my friends, who are always there for me when I need them. :) "
--Jennifer L.


"Wore shorts, the first 1-1.5 miles my thighs were so frozen they were numb. About mile 3 they finally felt normal again. Had a great time, I love this race. So great seeing everyone out on thanksgiving morning for a good cause. Enjoyed talking to people while running. Kinda fun getting in a group and listening to people talk too. Some of it is kinda funny. 

I think the coldest part of the race was going across the dam. The wind was really wicked. But all in all, I had a great time!"
​--Lori L. 

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