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2023 results coming soon!
Thank you for being patient with us!
2022 Results
2020 Results
Announcement Regarding 2019 Results

Well friends, we have some rough news regarding the 2019 results for Feast and Feathers.


The laptop malfunctioned during the race, the results were lost to the void, and the timing company was only able to manually track the half marathon results. We will accept screenshots of Garmin/app results for every participant who ran and work on compiling the results for the 5k/10k that way. If you ran the half and notice a discrepancy in the posted results, email us as well. The half results can been found here:


Yes, this sucks. Yes, we realize the results will be incomplete and lack precision. However, we want to accommodate those who want to see their time posted somewhere or may need it posted for a wellness program. If you'd like to send us your time, please email us at no later than midnight on Sunday, December 8, 2019. 


Please bear with us as we work through the logistics of this. Thank you for joining us. We are so sorry that we aren't able to provide more precise results for all of your beautiful efforts. 


That said, we do have some good news! Thanks to the wonderful John Ritland, photos from the 10k/half are ready with more to come over the weekend. We'll post when we get the others from our other volunteers uploaded.


You can access the first batch of photos by CLICKING HERE


We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed your morning with us. It was an honor to host you all and share your successes. 



Amy and Vanessa

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